Friday, June 27, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
On the bright side the Justice League action figure boxset that I ordered arrived at the comic store so I went to pick that up. It's cool, designed by Alex Ross, I could go on but I don't want to betray my geekiness too much.
Yeah that'll do for this week.
Later dudes
Friday, June 6, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
Sh!t Happens is going well, so well I'm considering branching out into merchandise via a cool little website I found but more on that later.
Nothing has happened with the Flying Tigers this week because there's nothing I can really do with it right now. I need to talk to my advisors [ie my mates] about certain aspects of the project before I can go on but that's no big deal because the longer I take the more money I can add to the budget.
This week I bought myself a new book bag because I was sick of squashing my sketchbooks in my old work bag. My new bag is a Kingdom Hearts licensed product made in Japan, I'd post a pic but I can't find it online and I'm too lazy yo grab the camera but it's bound to show up in a photo some day.
Going bowling tomorrow with Sheppo's fanclub so I better hit the weights now
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
Bought myself a PSP this week and a copy of Tekken Dark Resurrection which has become rather addicting.
While on the subject of my new toy, the first one I bought I bring it home, charge it up for an hour and a half, turn it on and the fucking thing is faulty, the directional buttons only worked in the up and down directions. So I had to take it back, another hour wasted at the BigW returns counter.
Fucking bad day.
But at least the game is cool.
Both Comic and Movie projects are running smoothly.
Off to play more Tekken or look at pics of hot chicks.
Haven't decided yet
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
A "Short Film" Right?
a short film
Rob O'Brien
Just to keep it in perspective the screenplay for the actual feature is about 95 pages and I estimate it going about 2 hours, mostly because my complex action scenes are described like this:
The fight is well and truly on. ERIC and NOLAN square off against their rivals and the other two COBRAS alternate between fighting BRAD and attempting to help SHAUN and BUCK.
After several minutes of fighting the COBRAS back down.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
Secondly, had a good friday night at Reilly's place playing Uno and Poker and making fun of Steveo, all your typical entertainment.
Thirdly, since I need to keep up my enthusiasm, I worked on the Flying Tigers project today. In this case it was a bit of costume testing, and since the only character so far casted is Hunter (played by yours truly) that's who got tested:
Friday, May 2, 2008
Flying Tigers - Concept Art
Robbo's Top 10 Lists - Cartoon/Comic Babes
Because every good post deserves
a shameless bit of self promotion.

9. Sailor Mars from Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon
Because they all look pretty much the same,
Mars just has the best colour scheme.

8. Lana Isavia from SDC Southern Cross
Because she's the tough cop character plus
she has cool blue hair and I'm a sucker
for coloured hair

7. Husk from Marvel Comics
Because she can rip off her skin to reveal
a new body made of anything underneath.
Okay that sounds kinda gross.

6. Daphne from Scooby Doo
Because as a Scooby fan I just have to
include her here

5. Belle from Beauty and the Beast (disney)
Because it's one of my favourite films and
she is an excellent example of classic
Disney style, but without the evil.

4. Wonder Girl from DC Comics
Because Wonder Woman is just to
old for my tastes.

3. Mylene Jenius from Macross 7
Because she's a rockstar, a fighter pilot
and she has pink hair, how cool is that?

2. Supergirl from DC Comics
Because she is the most powerful girl
in the universe and who hasn't always
wondered what that would be like?

1. Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess
Because she is, to quote someone else,
"so darn cute" the artwork for this series
is beyond beautiful and Bell is definately
the apex of that artwork.
Obligatory Weekly Update
On a side note one of my favourite actresses, Indiana Evans, has decided to leave Home and Away. Yes! All I need now is the thousands of dollars required to get her in front of the camera.
Another of my faves Claire Holt has landed a role in a US horror film to be filmed in Bulgaria later this year, congrats to her.
I purchased the latest Maximum Ride book, it's a good series but I probably would have bought it anyway based on the cover art:
Friday, April 25, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
Today is ANZAC Day so I'm off to a BBQ with mates this afternoon.
Lest We Forget
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Random Workplace Artwork
Demon (on pie bag)
When I started this piece I was
just bored shitless and had no idea
what it would end up being.
Fang the Werewolf RockStar
This one is actually an idea I've had
for a while now but could never be
bothered doing until I had nothing
better to do.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
So I've just sat around and watched DVDs. And slept. A lot. In fact a "little nap" Thursday turned into a sixteen hour sleep, FUCK what the hell was that? I guess sometimes the body just needs to recharge but still that was weird.
I really have nothing else to talk about.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
How To Get a Weird Reaction From a JB Hi-Fi Employee

The Used - In Love and Death

Kate Alexa - H2O Just Add Water Soundtrack
It's just a pity I didn't have enough cash for the Eagles and Iron Maiden CDs I was also looking at, that would have really fucked him.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
I've been mostly just chilling, watching DVDs and reading comics.
Been working on the Flying Tigers project but mostly just boring stuff such as trying to track down various things (or prices for various things) and reworking budget, schedule, etc. Boring paperwork.
I did however create a rough version of the Flying Tigers logo:
Friday, March 21, 2008
Experimentations With Watercolour Pencils
Well I certainly enjoyed myself and am happy with my first experiment with watercolour pencils and can certainly see myself using them again in the future.
Feel free to leave your comments.
p.s. don't forget to vote for your favourite girl in my Beautiful Girls poll --->
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Beautiful Girls Poll - The Intro
Here are some pics to help things out:
Amanda Bynes
Brooke Satchwell
Keiko Kitagawa
Claire Holt
Cariba Heine
Aya Ueto
Tammin Sursok
Hayden Panettiere

Ashley Benson
Take my poll!
BTW if you want to know more about any of these babes do a DAMN Google search you lazy [expletive filled rant deleted] okay.
I just unearthed my Gundam Wing boxset so that's what I'm off to watch now.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Robbo's Top 10 Lists - Anime Series
10. Bubblegum Crisis
9. Burn Up Scramble
8. Southern Cross / Mospeada (tied place)
7. Gravion
6. Gundam Wing
5. Love Hina
4. Macross
3. Ah! My Goddess
2. Macross 7
1. Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040
Obligatory Weekly Update
Okay so as you can probably guess my week has been pretty boring and uneventful.
My night job sucks, some of my co-workers are completely useless which of course leads to more work for me. But I must look on the bright side, each week brings me closer to my target budget for the Flying Tigers Project.
Speaking of the Flying Tigers Project, most of my work on it at present is of the boring logistical type (budget, scheduling, location scouting, etc) however I have taken time to work on some more interesting stuff such as costume design and storyboarding.
I'd like to give a shout out to my buddy Joshie and plug his radio show Anarchy on Air which is on every Thursday night at 9pm AEST you can listen to it online here.
And that's it for now.
Is it wrong to be drunk by midday on a Friday
Friday, March 7, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
This week was my 26th birthday so I'll skip the usual griping about work and such and get to the important part, the haul:
CDs - The Used "Lies For The Liars"
- My Chemical Romance "The Black Parade"
DVDs - My Name Is Earl season 2
- Baywatch season 4
- Smallville season 6
Comics - Superman Up, Up and Away
- Superman Our Worlds at War
Books - Maximum Ride the Angel Experiment
- Maximum Ride School's Out Forever
Unfortunately my birthday wish for a date with Amanda Bynes (or Indiana Evans or Claire Holt or....) didn't come true, oh well maybe next year.
That's All I have to say right now
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
Work is the same.
Some kind of 24 hour lethargy knocked me out Thursday so I couldn't do this week's comic yet.
I picked up a new toy called the Asus eeePc, a mini-laptop about half the size of my regular laptop and just as powerful.
I hate eBay Stores that post availabilty numbers when they don't actually have stock to fill the order. I finally received a season 1 boxset of What I Like About You that I ordered in early January when they advertised 30 available, needless to say I abused the hell out of them for the decieptfullness.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
Work has improved slightly due to the long awaited completion of the night window. Which means I don't have to let any customers into the store for most of the night. It's amazing how quick it is to deal with customers when they can't waste half an hour wandering around inside the store before just settling on the bottle of coke they picked up straight away.
My computer had a major shitstorm yesterday which caused me to waste the afternoon and in turn this weeks comic is a piece of shit.
Ten days until my birthday, oh crap I feel old, so for the hell of it here's a few things I would like to recieve:
Booze (always a good starter)
DC Comics (not the company......well if someone really wants to give it to me)
A new computer, preferably running Linux and XP (Vista blows)
Guest spot on The Simpsons
A date with Amanda Bynes (or Brooke Satchwell or Indiana Evans or Keiko Kitagawa or .....)
Large amounts of money.
[insert your own joke here]
Friday, February 15, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
Work still sucks.
Bought a couple of DC Comics graphic novels (Superman/Batman vol1 & Supergirl Identity), I've really gotten into the DC Universe lately especially the big 3.
Sh!t Happens is still going well.
I've also finished all script rewrites for the Flying Tigers project, so now it's just a matter of saving up some more cash so I can get started on the next phase.
I'm off to watch cartoons because I've got jack-shit else to do.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
It all started out cool with a games night and drinking at Reilly's place on Saturday. Steveo was a drunken fool who came very close to being killed by all people there (and several who weren't). Other than that it was a good night.
Then came work which as usual sucked ass.
I spent most of Thursday going through my junk and organising what I'm gonna throw on ebay in the near future before having to head out on business. Which meant this week's edition of Sh!t Happens was a day late.
Learned a valuable lesson this week: If you're going to watch a movie while you work pick something that won't distract you. With this in mind the following movies are on my "No watch while working" list - Clerks, Superman, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Police Story, Mamiya Kyoudai, Princess Bride or anything starring Amanda Bynes, Keiko Kitagawa or Billy Connolly.
I've been busy rewriting the scripts for the Flying Tigers project.
That's pretty much it.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Obligatory Weekly Update
This week has been boring.
On the film project front not much has happened except script rewriting and some basic planning, 'cause I need to save up some more money after Sheppofest (I spent a little too much), so I guess I might have to start selling some of my junk - I mean valuable collectibles.
Serious note here: Be careful how many times you watch a musical in a short period of time, you will get songs stuck in your head and may occasionally sing them when you THINK you're alone. This is not usually a good thing, more so if the song is usually sung by a chick. [I probably shouldn't be watching Hairspray again while I type this]
My night job still sucks. We got a new guy and I had to train him how to put stock away (how hard is it to carry boxes), he's fucking useless.
My drawing skills are getting better but my computer editing skills are getting worse so it all balances out. Remember to check out Sh!t Happens.
For no reason here's an ad I found:
Until next time dudes I'm off to find $14.99
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The Year to Come - An Announcement
But this year is going to be different.
Because my night job is killing me and I am getting old - I'm almost 26 shit were does the time go?
So anyway here's a little heads up on what to expect from KindaWeird Productions in 2008:
Firstly I am putting my limited drawing skills to bad use with the creation of my own web-comic Sh!t Happens which is coming online in the next few days.
Secondly I am committing to update this blog at least weekly [And we'll all believe that when we see it].
Thirdly (and most importantly) is the start of the Flying Tigers project which hopefully will see my first feature film produced within the year. More information on this coming soon.
So anyway here's to a great 2008 I'm off for a drink
p.s. A big congrats to the Sheppmeister on his new job with QR
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Sheppofest 2008
Ok with that out of the way let me start with a little explanation on what Sheppofest is, basically it's a kinda-annual holiday organized by my buddy Shepps. This year it was down on the Gold Coast and for the first time I managed to be there for the whole time (I've missed the last 2 completely). The following is a diary kept faithfully by Sheppo (with a little assistance) with added comments in purple by myself:
Tuesday Jan 01 (New Years Day)
Well I had to FARKIN work New Years Day so I missed all the fun but I so did not miss the rain, typical Queensland Cyclonic weather
Wednesday Jan 02
So I just got home from work this morning and realised I needed to get some new boots for going out as my work ones are buggered. Spent the day watching DVDs and trying to stay awake all day so my body clock would be right for the holiday, finally crashed around a 7.30 and slept until about 7.00 the next morning.
Thursday Jan 03
Yeah a good day but so much bloody rain I couldn't take the camera out so I just sat undercover and laughed my ass off at Shepps and Joshie trying to get their balls out of a tree. Had a nice little chat with one of the ladies at the Strip Club before we decided to head back to the apartment. I was on the most uncomfortable trundle bed, then on the couch which I later found out was a fold out bed.
Friday Jan 04
Robbo's Day: While those two lovable nut-jobs went for a vomit-rending run I sat around watching TV and resetting dislocated bones from the uncomfortable night's sleep. Headed down into the town for breakfast with the boys before heading back to the apartment to meet up with Reilly. Went to Timezone and gave myself a concussion on the dodge'ems (too busy checking out the scenery), had pizzas back at the apartment before getting pelted with a vortex in the pool for an hour. The annoying one arrived and we headed down to the local tavern where she made a drunken fool of herself. Me and Josh were the last ones left trying to pull two reasonably attractive young ladies before having to run back through the storm. Joshie's musical vomitting inspired me to yak up as well. Went to sleep.
Saturday Jan 05
My take on this whole day can be summed up with the following "Too much dance music". I knew from the moment I first suggested this Party Tour thing to Shepps a few weeks back I'd hate it but it was something Shepps should have loved if not for [content deleted] and so Shepps went home early. The Crowlmeister said a few choice words to a certain troublemaker and I expressed my opinion of same by just walking off. Me and Crowley lost track of Joshie and Scotty after I was refused entry to one of the clubs so we cruised on to the Beer Garden and rocked out to a decent cover band and tried our best to impress the ladies. The taxi I took home ripped me off big time so I got out half way and walked 45 minutes back to the apartment, bought something along the way that became the running joke of the holiday (although Shepps took it home with him so !?!?!?). I was so wasted.
Sunday Jan 06
Man I must have pulled the short straw here but I got stuck with wating for Emma to return and pick up her stuff, I kept my answers short and sweet and surprisingly obscenity free. Schoolboy and his girl showed up for a swim and BBQ plus a rain-filled tour of the Burleigh beachfront. Ells and Sophia came by and we played some cricket in the school next door, I suck at cricket especially bowling so I switched to pitching instead and surprised them with some accuracy. That night the two day barrage of stupid jokes (well one joke repeated infinitely) finally got to me and I buggered off to the main bedroom which was now mine and played bowling on my mobile until everyone disappeared. Went out to the lounge room and watched She's The Man, Shepps and Joshie returned part way through and let me finish watching it, Joshie even laughed a few times.
Monday Jan 07
While the boys were out picking up Matt and Aisha I walked to the shops at Stockland (which I kept calling Stockton, Stockville, etc) and got a thickshake at Wendy's. Went to Cavil Ave to drop Matt and Aisha at their hotel, wandered around for a while and found a tiny comic store but didn't buy anything. Back at the apartment I inadvertently started the Girl's Next Door saga when I heard a girl say hello and automatically responded causing everyone around to piss out laughing. Great roast dinner down near the beach then back to the apartments where we met the girls at the gate, I said hi and promptly fell into the garden, Joshie was completely oblivious to the little blondie making eyes at him and for a while all teasing was directed at him. I drank a six-pack of scotch and coke while sketching on the balcony, needed to urinate and so missed the girls' return. Played some GTA and headed to bed.
Tuesday Jan 08
Pretty much went a Sheppo said, can't really add much here except I kicked ass at Shithead winning 4 out of 7 games. Oh and Condemned was a pretty cool movie for what it was.
Wednesday Jan 09
(Joshie is writing today’s blog) I (Josh) woke up early an everyone else was still sleeping so I went for a jog on the beach, waves were big an ankle tapping me as I ran. Came back an Robbo had gone out, Chris an Sheps still asleep so I went down an hit a net café. Came back an we all headed to putt putt with Mat and Aisha which was average. Aisha was the only one who did not get a hole in one. Big Sheps and Chris got two hole in ones, Sheps won the day shooting 20’s on the front and back 9’s. Came back, had a swim then got ready for Draculas.
Wow, arrived at Draculas to an amazing sight of many beautiful ladies lining up. This place was sensational, good food, EXTREMELY HOT waitresses and an amazing show. Got plenty of love from the staff as well, with our table being the loudest in the place with me an mat doing joint death growls an sheppo an robbo giving out some wooooooooooooooo’s. and of course me and sheps come out with some brilliant one liners. My best one being too my lady friend(the gift shop lady) saying to someone she needed a man an I chimed in with a YO, she laughed in a wow he’s cute way heh. And sheppo’s best was in line waiting for a group photo when aisha asked the guy who looked like jack sparrow to be in the photo and he said he couldn’t an mat yelled out an extremely loud DAMN IT.
Went for a morning walk. Headed out with the group for a game of Spot the Hotties, also known as the drive to Surfers', played a pretty lame game of Putt Putt with Matt and Aisha before heading back to the apartment to get ready for a big night at Dracula's. Dracula's was by far the best night of the trip, the people were awesome, funny and (in the case of ladies) attractive. I was Howling and Roaring my lungs out all night, not to mention drinking. I hate casinos so I'll leave off my comments here.
Thursday Jan 10
Big Sheps taking back the blog although I am getting a hiding from Josh for poor spelling and grammar, where is the love? Slept in today, went to Hooters for breakfast/lunch. Bit disappointing, food was average and the service was poor. Came back and went to the internet café, did some hardcore myspace action. Came back for a swim, the weather is ordinary again it has been raining a bit today. Just chilling now, doing a bit of a tidy up and starting to pack up our stuff.
Friday Jan 11
Robbo woke everyone up to head to wet and wild. Picked mat an aisha up on the way. Park was fairly empty so we got some of the best rides out of the way early. Me an sheps managed to knock over every slide an then some as the others dropped out slowly. Came back to hotel an packed up, smashed some food an bevy’s??????????? I lobu vocl. Yphhoi kovrs cock
Sat Jan 12
I snuck out early to pick up a thank you gift for the grand facilitatior. Then back at the apartment helped clean up and load the car. Long ride home. Dumped my crap, grabbed my keys and headed to WOW to pick up a copy of Hairspray, watched it twice and went to bed. That's all folks.
And that's the Sheppofest 2008 report, as soon as Shepps and Josh get their acts together I'll post links to their own reports.
Now I'm off to work :(